Tarot Card Reading. It's fun, intimidating, yet enlightening. It's not for everyone, but it definitely is for someone. And today, that someone is me. Through this blog, you'll discover how modern tarot card reading is done in the Philippines through the words of an expert in the field as well as my own experiences.
Tarot cards are something I've always been curious about. To date, this isn't my first time consulting the paranormal for advice. My first encounter with fortune telling was in my last year of high school. A substitute teacher once invited a few of my classmates over to her desk, claiming that she had the ability to read palms. Like any human afraid of the unknown, I second-guessed extending my arm. The fear was supported by so many scary stories I've heard as a child about experiencing tremendous misfortunate circumstances once you've had your future told. I remember my granny telling me that having your fortune told could bring you and your family bad luck by some invisible, natural force on Earth (which, of course, I never believed in, but silently feared).
Disclaimer: Before I start discussing my personal experience with tarot card reading, I would like everyone to know that this post is not sponsored in any way. I was not given any form of compensation for the creation of this blog post. I am simply a blogger who tries, experiences, and reviews products and services in the best and most creative way I can.
Tarot Card Reading is just one of the many ways people conduct fortune telling. Juxtaposed to palm reading, psychic reading, and astrological birth chart interpretations, tarot card reading differs by way of its use of 78 special cards with unique meanings. Each deck consists of 22 Major Arcana cards and 56 Minor Arcana cards (wands, swords, cups, and pentacles).
I don't have any past experiences to compare my Tarot Card Reading session to, but here's how my experience went:
Q1: Please tell me a bit about yourself (a brief background)? Also, did you require any kind of training?
A1: I was actually on my way to becoming a simple English Teacher. Then in January of 2014, I had a significant spiritual awakening that deepened my journey. I don't like to get into specifics but let's just say I found out about where my soul originated and I also discovered some of my gifts. Don't get me wrong, I'm still learning every day and I try my best to empower people through teaching that everyone is capable of discovering their own gifts. My forte is Violet Flame Invocation for spiritual healing which I discovered on my own. For Reiki training, my lineage comes from Ms. Sarah Salcedo-Rubin and my Tarot career sprung from my scholarship from Mysterium Philippines under Mr. Robert Rubin. There, we are taught to use our intuition. We actually throw the brochure that comes with the deck on day 1 relying only on our own intuition.
Q2: What drew you to Tarot Card reading?
A2: I have been interested in New Age arts since I was a young girl, about 5. I remember our family had weekly trips to National Bookstore with my cousins and New Age section was the first I went to. I never understood the weird looks I got from family because I kept asking them about topics in that area which no one really knew about. SO I was already interested in Tarot, Palmistry, Astrology and such from a young age. The career, however, was divine intervention. I am blessed to have met Mr. Robert Rubin; a past life connection I guess to him and his wife. They played a big role in me being able to discover my career path and making it possible.
Q3: In your own words, can you explain what Tarot is? What are its benefits to people who invest in readings? Is there a point when it becomes dangerous?
A3: Tarot Reading is a form of divination. Simply said, it can give you an overview of your past. present and future. You can peek into past lives, connect with the living and the dead, and have an objective view of what is happening around you. It is an important tool for self-discovery and empowerment and at the same time, as a reader, this is what I offer to my clients as well.
It is not dictating you fate as some see it, rather it gives you options on how to take control of you life and even avoid certain negative events in the future.
Q4: What are your insights about modern, store-bought tarot cards? About tarot card readers in places like Quiapo?
A4: Well first of all, almost all our decks are store bought. They can be easily available and there are many to choose from. It is important though, not to rely on the booklet too much because it takes away your gift of intuition.
Tarot Readers in Quiapo; I believe that some could be legitimate readers. Like I said, psychic gifts are available to anyone who is willing to access it by spirituality and connecting with the Divine. But some can just put on a show, so better to approach trusted readers for you. It's a personal preference.
Q5: What are the struggles you face in your profession? What are its best parts?
A5: Struggles for me, I would say now, there are none. In the beginning maybe in establishing a reputation in the field. Best part is when clients come back and give you stories about what has happened. I feel honored to have helped them in their own journey.
Q6: Can you please explain what goes behind the scenes before, during, and after a tarot card reading?
A6: I don't have any special ritual, but I try my best to do shielding (closing your aura) before a session to not absorb the negative baggage of the client. Others orchestrate some elaborate ritual, I don't do that. I connect with the Divine in my own simple ways.
Q7: How often should a person consult a Tarot Card Reader?
A7: How often depends on the need. I always tell them there is no ideal time frame as long as you think you need it and if there is a significant development in their life or a certain issue, then it's okay.
Q8: What message would you like to impart to people who have conducted spiritual/Tarot Card reading/other types of sessions with you before?
A8: I often encounter people who are going against what their life purpose really is. They tend to put their passions aside and the fact of the matter is, that is where things go out of line. Follow their heart and understand that whatever their passion is, is what will bring them financial stability even if it is not what the norm is.
Emotional issues come from that as well. If you feel depression, lack of drive in life. It means you have to rediscover yourself and do what makes your soul happy.
Your biggest dream is often literally what you should be doing.
Q9: What message would you like to impart to people who are skeptical about fortune telling as well as those who aren't very accepting about the trade?
A9: To skeptics; I don't care if they don't believe it. To each his own. There is no need to explain to them, I know first hand that those who believe in magic are those who experience it. The truth is, TO BELIEVE IS TO SEE. Not the other way around. People have just been heavily conditioned by limiting beliefs and society.
Q10: What other services do you provide? And how can potential clients reach you other than your online accounts?
A10: Reiki Healing (chakra balancing with aura assessment), Aura Viewing (color and state of your aura) . Photo Readings (reading based on your photo or other's photo the info varies on what is shown to me like past life, personality etc..), Tarot Readings, Feng Shui Consultation, Prayers and Rituals Consultations, and Psychic Coaching. I also make charm bracelets (crystals and gemstones) and also Orgonite devices.
Professional Facebook page: www.facebook.com/ascensionvortex1111
SMS/Viber: 09159106168
Email Address: shariemaniego@gmail.com
Aside from my spiritual work, I write for a broadsheet as a contributor in The Manila Times and I also do English Tutorials.
The experience I had with Leshara definitely eliminated every speck of doubt I had with the art of Tarot Card Reading. It helped me understand how negatively I've been thinking about my life recently through the answers she explained with the help of the cards. I've noticed vast changes in my life since our session ended. I've been taking care of myself more both physically and mentally. I now handle menial problems better by examining them closely and juxtaposing them to the things I have that I can be thankful and happy about.
I sincerely hope that more and more people can get into this kind of experience. Sure you can have your doubts about it, but it wouldn't hurt to try and get a tiny peek into your future and learn more about yourself in the process, would it?
Until the next blog! Thank you for reading!
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Photo from Unsplash |
Tarot cards are something I've always been curious about. To date, this isn't my first time consulting the paranormal for advice. My first encounter with fortune telling was in my last year of high school. A substitute teacher once invited a few of my classmates over to her desk, claiming that she had the ability to read palms. Like any human afraid of the unknown, I second-guessed extending my arm. The fear was supported by so many scary stories I've heard as a child about experiencing tremendous misfortunate circumstances once you've had your future told. I remember my granny telling me that having your fortune told could bring you and your family bad luck by some invisible, natural force on Earth (which, of course, I never believed in, but silently feared).
Disclaimer: Before I start discussing my personal experience with tarot card reading, I would like everyone to know that this post is not sponsored in any way. I was not given any form of compensation for the creation of this blog post. I am simply a blogger who tries, experiences, and reviews products and services in the best and most creative way I can.
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Photo from Unsplash |
Quick Overview
The practice of Tarot or Tarocchi dates way back from 13th century Europe. Records say that the original use of these cards was not clear, but it later appeared that they were used as playing cards for a game called, "Triumph" before 17th-century occult followers discovered them. The symbolic photos on the cards inspired the occult members to turn it into a divination tool, aiding them in their pursuit to build the occult's original philosophy.Tarot Card Reading is just one of the many ways people conduct fortune telling. Juxtaposed to palm reading, psychic reading, and astrological birth chart interpretations, tarot card reading differs by way of its use of 78 special cards with unique meanings. Each deck consists of 22 Major Arcana cards and 56 Minor Arcana cards (wands, swords, cups, and pentacles).
Where do you find a Tarot Card Reader?
As much as I would like to say that I found Leshara, I would say she found me. On one of my late night Whisper (the app) visits, I chanced upon a post written by a lady who was asking for the contacts of a good tarot card reader. Having the interest in the very depths of my consciousness, I messaged her to ask if she found any leads. Fortunately, she did! She sent me Leshara's Facebook contact and I continued to add and eventually message her on her official business page to book an appointment.What happens during a Tarot Card Reading session?
I don't have any past experiences to compare my Tarot Card Reading session to, but here's how my experience went:
- Before I started the session with Leshara, I created a list of 15 questions I wanted to ask the cards. 1-hour sessions with her include unlimited questions, but she estimates roughly 15 questions can be answered per session. I was asked to make my questions specific, so I did my best to provide as much clarity as I could without giving too many details away.
- We started the conversation via Messenger. I sent her the list of questions and waited for her (as well as the cards) to reveal the answers.
- After working her magic through the cards, she sent me a photo of what the cards had revealed for every question. Here's an example of 3 of them (I would like to show you guys more of the results, but some of the questions I had are too personal to discuss) :
Will I ever be truly happy?
Leshara's Interpretation:
"You will not be truly happy unless you learn how to value yourself and your own dreams. I can see here that you keep taking on too much responsibility that should be for someone else. Because of that you are causing a major block in your life. While it is good to think of others, you need to fill yourself first with the love and attention that you need.. when this overflows, you will be more content with your life and "happier" then it will be easier for you to make others happy. You cannot give others what you do not have.. like peace of mind and happiness."
How can I attract more positivity in my life?
Leshara's Interpretation:
"You will be able to attract more positivity to your life when you avoid carrying all the burdens and look at more positive things already happening. You can shape your life through your mind by the Law of Attraction and meditation. Do not be okay with relationships that are not giving your equal effort in return.. not just in love but also in family. You need to love yourself too and set healthy boundaries. Instead of looking at what is wrong now, focus your mind in visualizing the things you want to happen.. do that everyday."
Will I ever get married? (Because what single woman doesn't want to know?)
Leshara's Interpretation:
"You will get married but most likely in your 30's. The reason is that you will be going abroad. Right now you are doubting this but you will most definitely will so you have to keep positive. Getting married will not be a priority for you while you are there most likely because of career."
- After answering all my questions, interpreting the meaning behind the cards, and thanking each other for this wonderful session, we bid goodbye.
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Photo from Unsplash |
Q&A with Leshara Onandia Maniego (The Tarot Card Reader)
I wanted to get to know Leshara a bit more as well as her craft, so I figured I could ask her the following questions which I've been utterly curious about as well as to get rid of my doubts (and others') once and for all.Q1: Please tell me a bit about yourself (a brief background)? Also, did you require any kind of training?
A1: I was actually on my way to becoming a simple English Teacher. Then in January of 2014, I had a significant spiritual awakening that deepened my journey. I don't like to get into specifics but let's just say I found out about where my soul originated and I also discovered some of my gifts. Don't get me wrong, I'm still learning every day and I try my best to empower people through teaching that everyone is capable of discovering their own gifts. My forte is Violet Flame Invocation for spiritual healing which I discovered on my own. For Reiki training, my lineage comes from Ms. Sarah Salcedo-Rubin and my Tarot career sprung from my scholarship from Mysterium Philippines under Mr. Robert Rubin. There, we are taught to use our intuition. We actually throw the brochure that comes with the deck on day 1 relying only on our own intuition.
Q2: What drew you to Tarot Card reading?
A2: I have been interested in New Age arts since I was a young girl, about 5. I remember our family had weekly trips to National Bookstore with my cousins and New Age section was the first I went to. I never understood the weird looks I got from family because I kept asking them about topics in that area which no one really knew about. SO I was already interested in Tarot, Palmistry, Astrology and such from a young age. The career, however, was divine intervention. I am blessed to have met Mr. Robert Rubin; a past life connection I guess to him and his wife. They played a big role in me being able to discover my career path and making it possible.
Q3: In your own words, can you explain what Tarot is? What are its benefits to people who invest in readings? Is there a point when it becomes dangerous?
A3: Tarot Reading is a form of divination. Simply said, it can give you an overview of your past. present and future. You can peek into past lives, connect with the living and the dead, and have an objective view of what is happening around you. It is an important tool for self-discovery and empowerment and at the same time, as a reader, this is what I offer to my clients as well.
It is not dictating you fate as some see it, rather it gives you options on how to take control of you life and even avoid certain negative events in the future.
Q4: What are your insights about modern, store-bought tarot cards? About tarot card readers in places like Quiapo?
A4: Well first of all, almost all our decks are store bought. They can be easily available and there are many to choose from. It is important though, not to rely on the booklet too much because it takes away your gift of intuition.
Tarot Readers in Quiapo; I believe that some could be legitimate readers. Like I said, psychic gifts are available to anyone who is willing to access it by spirituality and connecting with the Divine. But some can just put on a show, so better to approach trusted readers for you. It's a personal preference.
Q5: What are the struggles you face in your profession? What are its best parts?
A5: Struggles for me, I would say now, there are none. In the beginning maybe in establishing a reputation in the field. Best part is when clients come back and give you stories about what has happened. I feel honored to have helped them in their own journey.
Q6: Can you please explain what goes behind the scenes before, during, and after a tarot card reading?
A6: I don't have any special ritual, but I try my best to do shielding (closing your aura) before a session to not absorb the negative baggage of the client. Others orchestrate some elaborate ritual, I don't do that. I connect with the Divine in my own simple ways.
Q7: How often should a person consult a Tarot Card Reader?
A7: How often depends on the need. I always tell them there is no ideal time frame as long as you think you need it and if there is a significant development in their life or a certain issue, then it's okay.
Q8: What message would you like to impart to people who have conducted spiritual/Tarot Card reading/other types of sessions with you before?
A8: I often encounter people who are going against what their life purpose really is. They tend to put their passions aside and the fact of the matter is, that is where things go out of line. Follow their heart and understand that whatever their passion is, is what will bring them financial stability even if it is not what the norm is.
Emotional issues come from that as well. If you feel depression, lack of drive in life. It means you have to rediscover yourself and do what makes your soul happy.
Your biggest dream is often literally what you should be doing.
Q9: What message would you like to impart to people who are skeptical about fortune telling as well as those who aren't very accepting about the trade?
A9: To skeptics; I don't care if they don't believe it. To each his own. There is no need to explain to them, I know first hand that those who believe in magic are those who experience it. The truth is, TO BELIEVE IS TO SEE. Not the other way around. People have just been heavily conditioned by limiting beliefs and society.
Q10: What other services do you provide? And how can potential clients reach you other than your online accounts?
A10: Reiki Healing (chakra balancing with aura assessment), Aura Viewing (color and state of your aura) . Photo Readings (reading based on your photo or other's photo the info varies on what is shown to me like past life, personality etc..), Tarot Readings, Feng Shui Consultation, Prayers and Rituals Consultations, and Psychic Coaching. I also make charm bracelets (crystals and gemstones) and also Orgonite devices.
They can reach me through the following:
Personal Facebook page: Leshara Onandia ManiegoProfessional Facebook page: www.facebook.com/ascensionvortex1111
SMS/Viber: 09159106168
Email Address: shariemaniego@gmail.com
Aside from my spiritual work, I write for a broadsheet as a contributor in The Manila Times and I also do English Tutorials.
Interested in trying out Leshara's spiritual services?
Final Notes
The experience I had with Leshara definitely eliminated every speck of doubt I had with the art of Tarot Card Reading. It helped me understand how negatively I've been thinking about my life recently through the answers she explained with the help of the cards. I've noticed vast changes in my life since our session ended. I've been taking care of myself more both physically and mentally. I now handle menial problems better by examining them closely and juxtaposing them to the things I have that I can be thankful and happy about.
I sincerely hope that more and more people can get into this kind of experience. Sure you can have your doubts about it, but it wouldn't hurt to try and get a tiny peek into your future and learn more about yourself in the process, would it?
Until the next blog! Thank you for reading!