I Tried the Purederm Animal Sheet Masks (So You Will, Too!)

5:59 PM

Of all the exciting new skincare methods I've discovered, sheet masks were something I've always seen but never tried. So this time, I've decided to skip the DIY masks and acne-centric products and tried out ready-made Korean skincare sheet masks instead. And what better way to start my sheet mask journey by trying out drugstore brands that are not only attractive to the eyes, but to my budget as well. Check out my PureDerm Animal Sheet Mask review right here:

Purederm Animal Sheet Masks

Sheet masks are face-shaped fabric masks with cut-outs for the eyes, nose, and mouth. These masks are doused in vitamin-rich serums inside tightly sealed packets. Best known for their easy-use feature, sheet masks eliminates all the needed time and effort people use on making and applying DIY masks or. One can simply take it out of the packaging, apply, leave on for 30 minutes, and then dispose of once the mask has dried out. Easy! And this is exactly why the market for this kind of 3-step facial treatment is widely popular and used because not everyone has the time to spend on doing the latter themselves. 

Disclaimer: Before I start discussing my personal experience with the Purederm Animal Sheet Masks, I would like to make it clear that I am by no means a licensed medical or dermatological practitioner, nor am I a manufacturer of these products. I am simply a blogger who buys, reviews, informs, and tries to market these products in the best and most creative way I can. Also, NO FOXES, PANDAS, SEALS, AND PIGS WERE HARMED DURING THE MANUFACTURING OF THIS PRODUCT NOR THE CREATION OF THIS REVIEW. 

Quick Overview

Originating from South Korea, sheet masks have made its way to influence different continents around the globe. Many brands have created their own version of this product, especially American and European brands. But for the purposes of this review, I'll be focusing on a South Korean brand that I see a lot in the Philippines' Watsons branches: Purederm. Purederm is a South Korean brand that creates easy and effective skin solutions since 2002. Being a trend-leading company in the beauty industry, Purederm creates and launches hot item skincare products that fit the ever-changing lifestyles of both men and women across the globe. 

Among their revolutionary skin products are their animal sheet masks that aim to brighten and whiten facial skin. Here is my review of each mask from the range:

The Purederm Fox Brightening Argan Sheet Mask 

Argan is a known natural remedy for dry skin because of its ability to moisturize and soften skin. It contains fatty acids and Vitamin E that helps give skin a more natural look and feel. Other great features of this ingredient are that it doesn't feel oily, nor does it irritate skin. 

I was especially delighted with this one! I've seen this in an Instagram post before and is definitely snap-worthy! 

Purederm Animal Sheet Masks     Purederm Animal Sheet Masks    Purederm Animal Sheet Masks

Purederm Animal Sheet Masks   Purederm Animal Sheet Masks   Purederm Animal Sheet Masks

The Purederm Seal Brightening Argan Sheet Mask

Unfortunately, this sheet mask made my skin break out a little bit after using it. Not a lot of argan oil in this one, I guess? Plus, this variant is the least of my favorites. The print resembles Doraemon more than a seal if you ask me.

Purederm Animal Sheet Masks    Purederm Animal Sheet Masks    

Purederm Animal Sheet Masks       Purederm Animal Sheet Masks

The Purederm Pig Whitening Collagen Sheet Mask

Collagen is a natural protein in our body that is responsible for repairing skin and nails. It's abundant in every part of our body such as our digestive system, skin, muscles, blood vessels, and even in our bones. You can look at it as a sort of glue that binds our skins, muscles, and tendons together. This ingredient is usually found in skin repair products such as lotions and oral supplements which help with combatting wrinkles, problems with cartilage, signs of aging, bad skin, and signs of aging. Added to a sheet mask such as this, you'll surely see the difference when it comes to damaged skin due to allergies and hormonal imbalance. 

Purederm Animal Sheet Masks   Purederm Animal Sheet Masks    Purederm Animal Sheet Masks

Purederm Animal Sheet Masks     Purederm Animal Sheet Masks

The Purederm Panda Whitening Collagen Sheet Mask 

Among all the sheet masks in the range, I can definitely say that this mask is my absolute favorite. Not only did it have the cutest print, but also because I didn't break out. Nor did it dry my skin out like the fox mask did. It could also be that the panda variant had more serum soaked in the sheet, unlike the first few ones I've tried.

  Purederm Animal Sheet Masks Purederm Animal Sheet MasksPurederm Animal Sheet Masks 

Purederm Animal Sheet Masks   Purederm Animal Sheet Masks   Purederm Animal Sheet Masks

Pros & Cons

What you'll love about it

✓ They all come in nice prints and packagings
✓ The cutouts for the eyes, nose, and mouth were pretty big, so I'm sure this can fit people with larger faces, even men!
✓ They didn't make my skin oily after use
✓ They're suitable for all skin types (although there is a warning at the back that says not to use one when your skin is irritated or if you currently have breakouts)
✓ The serum isn't sticky or too runny. It's just the right blend
✓ The effects last long especially if you don't leave the house
✓ It doesn't give out too much serum. So you won't have to make a dash to gather all the serum to pour on the mask while you're wearing it. I've read about some masks before that soak their masks into too much serum. And boy, did that sound like a race to catch 'em all!
✓ The scent isn't strong, nor does it stick to your skin. The scent not sticking might be a let down for others, but since I'm not a very big fan of strong-scented facial products, this is a huge plus for me

What you won't be a fan of

✖ The top part dries out easily (possibly because there's not much to stick onto. In other words, my forehead isn't wide enough of a canvas)
✖ Sometimes you could get breakouts from using it (in my cases, I did)
✖ It can get messy especially if the packet you bought has more serum
✖ It can take some getting used to especially during application where the serum drips from the mask and you're struggling to position the holes right
✖ The seal mask doesn't look to me like a seal at all. I mean... They could've stuck to gray. I don't know any blue seals


Q1: Where do I buy this mask?
A1: You can buy them at Watsons outlets in or out of SM branches.

Q2: Is this mask safe for children?
A2: Like any skincare product, I think it's best not to let children use it. They're far too young and their skin might react differently to serums addressing adult skin concerns.

Q3: Would you repurchase this mask?
A3: Definitely! Especially the Panda and Fox Variants!

Final Notes

Trying out sheet masks for the first time was definitely thrilling for me! I'm actually quite excited to see the other sheet masks variants that Purederm or any other skincare brand has yet to offer. I'll probably look around Watsons or several department stores to try and see what they've currently got in store for avid skincare fans like me. 

So for now, do check out their Animal Sheet masks line and if you have enough time, do tell me what you think about it as well! 

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Until the next blog! Thank you for reading!

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